Exclusive Provider of multiple NATIONAL CHAMPION sleds
Your Source For Reproduction Polaris Snowmobile Parts
You may notice some changes to our website. We've rebuilt it and hopefully, it's easier to find the products you need. We would appreciate some feedback and suggestions as we are now able to make some changes on our own.
SHIPPING We've changed how the shipping of hoods, tunnels and belly pans are done. Due to issues with Paypal's refund policy, COVID-19 restrictions, and costs in general, we suggest you contact us to figure out the shipping BEFORE ordering the product. That way we can get you the best solution.
COVID-19 has impacted our ability to ship certain products. First, our preferred means of shipping has several restrictions and does not ship into several western states. Second, the size of our larger hoods requires a box that exceeds the UPS allowance. Third, shipping into Canada is not possible for some products. Check with us FIRST to see if shipping outside the upper Midwest is possible. We will certainly refund what we can if there are no options.
Paypal refund change. We offer Paypal as a convenience but there's a cost. When you send us your payment, Paypal intercepts it and grabs their portion. We get what's left. We use to be able to provide full refunds if a mistake was made but today, the paypal portion (fee) is no longer available.
As you are aware, everything costs more today than it did a year ago. A box that was $100 a month ago just went to $235 for the exact same container??? Private carriers have also doubled their fees and our packaging supplies are higher as well.
We only pass along actual shhipping charges to you. There's no mark-up and in some cases with private haulers, we lose money. But again, check with us first to explore options for getting you your order.
FAQ: Why are our fiberglass products more expensive that the others that are on the market?
Actually, it's by design. At VSR, we make sure you're getting EVERYTHING you pay for. As an example; our midnight blue gel is an exact match and very expensive. To create that color, it’s actually 3 different colors / layers of gel coat. This is necessary to give you the correct color of blue whether in sunlight or indoors. It also gives the correct color to the inside of the hood. The competitors use a single thin layer of gelcoat. Good for racing, but not durability or form. Our pans have reinforcing cloth just as the originals did, and we aren't aware of anyone who offers that. Additionally, our products are thicker and stronger than the others' products. These added materials and the labor to apply them provide a superior product but there's obviously a cost to do it. VSR has also spent thousands on improving the finish of the molds to provide a vast improvement in the finish of the gel. So yes, we could be cost competitive with anyone, but we choose not to.
We have begun our last group of customer restorations. We have two indys to restore and then will be focused on smaller projects such as building complete seats, complete hoods, gauges and other customer needs who purchase our products.